"Since a lot of people think that there is a more "full" version than the already leaked once, I started my own investigation. I came to the conclusion that there isn't a version with the drums and bass parts seperated due to technical limitations in 1982. After hearing mixes from people that remade these parts themselves (also some very bad ones, sorry), I decided to give it a go. I have quite some experience with the used synths so I quickly came up with the same MiniMoog patch and the Linn LM-1 pattern (yes, lm-1 NOT LinnDrum). I added it to the most "complete" version I could find online, and after some mixing, me and my friends really couldn't tell the difference. I removed some parts from the leaked session that were just stereo pairs of mixed parts that were already "solo" in the session and renamed the tracks for convenience.
I present to you: Human Nature 37 WAV Multitrack, with all drums and bass parts seperate (and every vocal take that ever leaked).
(Keep in mind that the MiniMoog and LM-1 parts are completely dry, so they need some mixing)"
Source here
Could you upload a google drive link with the rar file, the link says it will take 5 hours to download lol
Rapidgator is an exceedingly shit filehost. Please provide a drive link. Thanks 👍